Ramona Arnesen

My name is Ramona. 42 years old originally from Senja, but living in Vestmarka (inland) with husband, children and 6 four-legged (2 cats and 4 dogs).
My absolute greatest interest/hobby is dogs and hunting. Hunting has actually gone from a hobby to a passion or lifestyle. We have 3 drivers and 1 alpine dachsbracke and hunt mostly with dogs.
Hunts virtually all small game - roe deer, red deer, elk and wild boar.
On the farm, we also shoot around 10 foxes every winter for game management.

If you want to follow me and my "hunting journey" on Instagram, go to www.instagram.com/jaktfruen
Here I mostly share hunting/dog photos.
Also runs Klanderudlia's kennel. It can be followed on www.instagtam.com/klanderudlia_kennel
Breeding of driver and ADB. Mating on the ADB is planned for Jan/Feb 2025.

My collaboration with Varmevest started in 2015.
A revolution as far as I'm concerned, which is freezer stick delux!
I have all the products from Varmevest.no Super happy with all the products, but of course I have my favourites!

  • Heating vests I never go hunting without it! It's absolutely gorgeous on post, whether it's drift hunting, stealth hunting or bait hunting. But also on cold autumn days at a football match with my little girl or around the campfire (all seasons).
  • Recommend extreme battery in the west, providing heat for up to 24 hours.
  • Heating soles I always have in my hunting boots. They're comfortable to wear and absolutely marvellous when your feet are cold. Operated by a small remote control, which makes them easy to use.
  • Heating socks I also use it mid-winter. Absolutely brilliant!
  • Heat muffle is also a favourite! Both for drift hunting and stealth/baiting.